firstwisnu media
Saturday, June 18, 2016

Photosynthesis, The Amazing Give (Change Inorganic To Organic)

Why we need to plant the tree? As a modern people, we can't avoid to use vehicle in our transportation needs. Majority, our vehicle machine is run by fossils fuel. I will take gasoline vehicle for the example, most composition of gasoline is heptane and isooctane. Heptane and isooctane are kind of hydrocarbon compound. Their structure is shown below.

When we operate our machine, in combustion chamber will be happened combustion of heptane and isooctane produces carbon dioxide and water. Good if the reaction is perfect combustion like this:

  1. C7H16 + 11 O2 → 7 CO2 + 8 H2O, and
  2. C8H18 + 25/2 O2 → 8 CO2 + 9 H2O

If the reaction is not perfect combustion, it will produce carbon monoxide gas and black carbon. Carbon monoxide is not good for our health, in high level may cause death. Carbon monoxide more easily held by hemoglobin, so we will die because we do not have enough supply of oxygen in our body cell.

Carbon dioxide is 'bad' product too from this combustion, this oxide make our body vitality drop, as told by the environment scientist, this oxide traps the infra red bounce from earth and results the green house effect. Because carbon dioxide is danger, so we have to handle this oxide with plant the trees, the trees especially with chlorophyll will use carbon dioxide in photosynthesis to produce carbohydrate. wow amazing, from inorganic compound to be organic compound. In simple word, we can say that green leaves tree can make dangerous carbon dioxide to be source of energy.

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